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At Martins Wood School we aim to offer a wide range of clubs to appeal to all children in addition to training sessions for school teams. These are organised by both school staff and outside providers.


Afterschool Clubs - Summer term 2024 (start week commencing 15th April 2024)



Football (Years 1–2)



Tag Rugby (Years 1–2)

Dance (Years 3–6)



Art (Years 4–6)

Girls Football (Years 5–6)

Football (Years 4 -5)


Rising Stars Clubs - Summer term 2024 (start week commencing 15th April 2024)



Football (Years 3–4)



Older children may get the opportunity to represent the school in matches, tournaments and local leagues against other primary schools in the area.

Parents may also opt for their child to learn to play a musical instrument at a small additional cost. Currently, we have specialist instrumental teaching (provided through our partnership with Hertfordshire Music Service) available for the Violin, Guitar and Clarinet. 

You can book a group 30 minute or individual 30-minute lesson via Hertfordshire Music Service (HMS)