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School governors are ordinary people from the local community who wish to make a positive contribution to children’s education. They are the largest volunteer force in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. Governors are not involved in the day-to-day management of the school.

Almost anyone can become a school governor and you can find out more information here. All new governors receive training and support from Ivy Learning Trust and their fellow governors. If you are interested in assisting the School in this way, please contact

Martins Wood School Governors

Name Title Date of Appointment Term of Office Appointed By Declaration of Interest Date Interest Declared

Sarah Turner

Chair of Local Governors 01/112023 4 Years Trust Appointed
  1. Trustee, Ivy Learning Trust.
  2. Chair of Governors, Windhill21 Primary School.
  3. Chair of Governors, Richard Whttington Primary School
  4. Chair of Governors, Manuden Primary School
  5. Trustree, NET Academies Trust
November 2023
Zoe Philips Executive Headteacher 01/12/2022 Ex-officio Ex-officio

1. Executive Headteacher, Round Diamond Primary School


2. Non-executive Director, Herts Catering Limited


3. Daughter employed at an Ivy Learning Trust School

1. December 2022



2. July 2023



3. September 2023

Phil Oliver Staff Governor 16/12/2022 4 Years Elected Staff None NA
Michael Hudson Parent Governor 04/07/2023 4 Years Elected Parent None NA
Vacancy Parent Governor   4 Years Elected Parent None NA
Frances Warhurst Trust Appointed 01/12/2022 4 Years Trust Appointed Chair of Governors, Eastfield Primary School December 2022
Leslie Peers Trust Appointed 15/05/2023 4 Years Trust Appointed None NA
Michael Desborough Trust Appointed 26/05/2023 4 Years Trust Appointed

1. Governor at Roundwood Park School Academy trust

2. Wife is a local governor at another Ivy school

3. Assessment Associate at Pearson


May 2023


September 2024

All governors are voting members of the Local Governing Board. Panels and working groups are established as needed, but there are no ongoing committees.

Declarations of Interests for Ivy Learning Trust Members and Trustees

View a PDF version of the declarations of interest below or download here: Ivy Learning Trust Declaration of Interests.pdf

Attendance Record

Attendance 2023-2024

Scheme of Delegation

View a PDF version of the Scheme of Delegation below or download here: Ivy Learning Trust Scheme of Delegation.pdf

Trust’s Annual Report and Accounts, Memorandum, Articles of Association, Funding Agreements, the names of Trustees and Members and Executive Pay (Governance Arrangements).

Local Governors who have stepped down in the last 12 months

Name Title Date of Appointment Date Stepped Down Appointed by Declaration of Interest: Date Interest Declared:



Parent Governor 27/03/2023 14/11/2023 Elected Parent None N/A
Alison Bowman Chair of Local Governors 01/12/2022 31/10/2023 Trust Appointed
  1. Trustee, Ivy Learning Trust.
  2. Consultant - Recepta LTD (Engineering recruitment)

December 2022

Governance documents which need to be available for public inspection can be requested by emailing the governance professional